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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Government quiet over reports Navy seeking to return Vietnamese asylum seekers

Updated 17 Apr 2015, 6:20pm The Federal Government is refusing to confirm reports that the Navy is attempting to return a large group of asylum...

Suspected asylum seeker boat ‘unlikely to dock’ after interception, WA water police say

PHOTO: The suspected asylum seeker boat near a cargo ship off Dampier on Monday (ABC TV) By Charlotte Hamlyn Updated 21 Jul 2015, 1:30pm Police assisting in...

Boat of Vietnamese asylum seekers turned back after 40-minute interviews

Major General Andrew Bottrell gives evidence at a Senate hearing on Monday. Photograph: Mike Bowers for the Guardian Forty-six migrants offloaded at port in April...

Retired US Ambassador Visits Vietnamese Asylum Seekers in Indonesian Detention

Retired US Ambassador Grover Joseph Rees recently visited the 18 Vietnamese asylum seekers in detention in Kuningan, South Jakarta. The former US Ambassador to East...

Vietnam jails four asylum seekers over voyage to Australia despite ‘no retribution’ promise

Tran Thi Loan, 46, is appealing a three-year sentence handed to her in April. By Jessica Longbottom Updated 26 May 2016, 8:27pm Four people sent back...

UNICEF statement on Australia and Vietnam signing MOU to return Vietnamese asylum seekers

Statement attributable to Amy Lamoin, Head of Policy and Advocacy, UNICEF Australia SYDNEY, 13 December 2016 - UNICEF Australia notes the announcement yesterday that a...

Recrimination awaits rejected Vietnamese asylum seekers

Bishop Paul Cao Dinh Thuyen, centre, the retired bishop of Vinh diocese in central Vietnam, says indefinite imprisonment awaits many Vietnamese asylum seekers whose...


April 28, 2015 The Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN), a network of over 230 civil society organisations and individuals working in 26 countries, condemns...

Fears returned Vietnamese asylum seekers are being grilled in police detention

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton. Photo: Andrew Meares Heath Aston APRIL 23 2015 Asylum seekers who were returned to Vietnam by the Australian Navy last week are...

Vietnamese ‘Boat People’ Attempt to Reach Australia a Second Time

2017-02-08 Three Vietnamese families returned by Australian authorities last year after they tried to illegally migrate there have fled Vietnam a second time by boat...