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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Suspected asylum seeker boat ‘unlikely to dock’ after interception, WA water police say

PHOTO: The suspected asylum seeker boat near a cargo ship off Dampier on Monday (ABC TV) By Charlotte Hamlyn Updated 21 Jul 2015, 1:30pm Police assisting in...

Asylum seekers arrive in WA’s north-west

Updated 20 Jul 2013, 6:52pm Locals who watched 17 asylum seekers being transferred to the mainland at Dampier in WA's north-west on Friday night say...

Tony Abbott tight-lipped on suspected Vietnamese asylum seeker boat

Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Photo: Andrew Meares Nicole Hasham July 21 2015 Prime Minister Tony Abbott is refusing to say how a suspected boat of Vietnamese asylum...

Australia returned 46 asylum seekers to Vietnam, says immigration minister

An Australian navy boat (left) shadowing a boat believed to be carrying asylum seekers in July 2012. Photograph: BASARNAS/AFP/Getty Images Paul Farrell Tuesday 5 May 2015...

Government quiet over reports Navy seeking to return Vietnamese asylum seekers

Updated 17 Apr 2015, 6:20pm The Federal Government is refusing to confirm reports that the Navy is attempting to return a large group of asylum...

Navy reportedly moves to intercept boat carrying Vietnamese asylum seekers

An image taken from ABC news footage of the suspected asylum seeker vessel off the coast of Western Australia on Monday. Photograph: ABC news Western...

Fears returned Vietnamese asylum seekers are being grilled in police detention

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton. Photo: Andrew Meares Heath Aston APRIL 23 2015 Asylum seekers who were returned to Vietnam by the Australian Navy last week are...

Australia and Vietnam further cooperation to stamp out people smuggling

Monday, 12 December 2016 A new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and Vietnam's Ministry of Public Security will...